package hera.spec;
import hera.api.model.AccountAddress;
import hera.api.model.ContractDefinition;
import hera.api.model.ContractInvocation;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
public class AergoSpec {
/* address, name, private key */
public static final byte ADDRESS_PREFIX = 0x42;
// [odd|even] of publickey.y + [optional 0x00] + publickey.x
// which is equivalent with s compressed public key (see also X9.62 s 4.2.1)
public static final int ADDRESS_BYTE_LENGTH = 33;
public static final int NAME_LENGTH = 12;
public static final byte ENCRYPTED_PRIVATE_KEY_PREFIX = (byte) 0xAA;
/* amount unit */
public enum Unit {
AER("Aer", new BigDecimal("1"), new BigDecimal("1")),
GAER("Gaer", new BigDecimal("1.E-9"), new BigDecimal("1.E9")),
AERGO("Aergo", new BigDecimal("1.E-18"), new BigDecimal("1.E18"));
protected final String name;
protected final BigDecimal minimum;
protected final BigDecimal ratio;
/* payload */
public static final String PAYLOAD_VERSION = "v1";
public enum PayloadType {
ContractDefinition("", ContractDefinition.class),
ContractInvocation("", ContractInvocation.class),
Vote("", String.class, String[].class),
CreateName("createName", String.class),
UpdateName("updateName", String.class, AccountAddress.class);
protected final String name;
protected final Class<?>[] targets;
private PayloadType(final String name, final Class<?>... targets) { = name;
this.targets = targets;
public static final String BIGNUM_JSON_KEY = "_bignum";
public static final byte CONTRACT_PAYLOAD_VERSION = (byte) 0xC0;
/* signature */
public static final int SIGN_HEADER_MAGIC = 0x30;
public static final int SIGN_INT_MARKER = 0x02;
// minimum length of a DER encoded signature which both R and S are 1 byte each.
// <header-magic> + <1-byte> + <int-marker> + 0x01 + <r.byte> + <int-marker> + 0x01 + <s.byte>
public static final int SIGN_MINIMUM_LENGTH = 8;